Grassington, Linton, Burnsall Walk

Our half term activities were thwarted somewhat by the weather AGAIN! I can’t wait for spring to arrive and better weather as at the moment we just seem to be going from one storm to another.
We did manage a small walk from Grassington to Burnsall recently, walking along the River Wharfe but the wind was starting to pick up and there was lots of mud around. The muddy walks sap so much more energy but we certainly got to blow some cobwebs away and this would be an easy walk on nicer days. I’d picked the wrong day to start wearing in my boots for my trek!
​We followed the footpath from the corner of the carpark at the Grassington visitor centre and made our way downhill to Linton falls, stopping first to spot some aliens in the carpark that were part of the dark skies trail. From here we followed the fingerpost towards Burnsall and the path along the riverbank.
The surrounding trees had suffered from the recent gales and fallen trees were blocking part of the path, but we spotted the promise of spring nestled on the banks of the river with some lovely snowdrops.
The path is wide enough in most places that the kids can go on and run ahead. Our eldest was playing the usual sniper game and hiding behind the rows of trees along the way.
We soon arrived at the suspension bridge at the bottom of the footpath to Hebden. The kids loved that it looked really wobbly and narrow and all was fine crossing it until we met someone coming the other way who was so impatient he tried to barge past us. There was no way I was going in the water but we all made it safely across. There’s always one isn’t there!
Now on the other side of the riverbank the path is a little narrower and as we walked to Burnsall the path winds around with the river and you suddenly turn a corner to come across a spectacular limestone gorge.
We followed this and then to the relative tranquillity of the village of Burnsall. We’ve spent many sunny days here sat on the riverbank with picnics or having a beer at the pub by the bridge. This time it being far too cold to hang around so a quick hello to the ducks and a sandwich stop and then time to make our way back the way we came.
The new boots survived but we were all covered in mud, some more than others. Someone got so muddy that Daddy wouldn’t let them sit in the car and made them take their trousers off and ride home in their pants! 
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  1. Despite the mud it looks like you had a good trek. My two often end up pantless on the way home due to mud. I can’t wait for some drier days too. Thank you for linking up with #TuesdayTreasures

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