Lotherton Hall Christmas Experience

I was gutted to miss the press night at Lotherton Hall for their Christmas Experience, but we were kindly given a press pass for another day to visit. We’ve visited Lotherton Hall a few times, and so I was looking forward to the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas Woodland Walk’ and Enchanted Fairy Dell. We unfortunately…

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Walking in Autumn doesn’t always go to plan!

Walking in Autumn doesn’t always go to plan, the weather and lack of daylight being just a few of the major factors. It doesn’t stop my family getting outside though, even if it’s not a huge exciting adventure. This weekend I had a real need to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. I’m…

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Zombies vs Pirates at Castle Howard

Every time we drive past the signs for Castle Howard, I always say “Ooo I really want to go there”. It’s a fabulous stately home not far from York and has acres of park and woodland, along with lakes, fountains and formal gardens. Just the sort of place to go if you fancy getting outside…

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Calderdale Way Part 1 – West Vale to Todmorden

I recently completed the first few stages of the Calderdale way with a friend, over a very wet weekend. Here’s how we got on: It was time for another challenge to push myself again and this time I fancied trying a long-distance national trail. The Calderdale Way is nearby, and promises spectacular views, a variety…

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Goodbye to Summer!

The kids went back to school last week and it was time to say goodbye to our summer outside. I’ll be honest, the house, cats and me, sighed with relief as the kids went back to school! It wasn’t that I was fed up with them being at home, more fed up of some of…

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Stick boy’s first Scout Camp

My Son, affectionately known as Stick boy, has recently started going to Scouts. He’s only been there a few weeks but was able to go on his first Scout Camp with them a few weekends ago. I asked him how he got on in this interview. His answers are in his own words. Where was…

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