12 Apostles walk – Ilkley and Burley Moor


If you’re looking for an easy walk from Ilkley Moor, with a circle of standing stones, then this might be the walk for you. It also includes the option of making it slightly longer to include a pub stop!

My kids love Ilkley moor and are always asking to go and walk up there but this time I wanted to try something different. So, from Ilkley moor and the White Wells café we took a steep path up to the top of the moor along the Millennium Way, before finding the Dales Way link path. The walk is easy apart from the slightly steep section but it’s worth it, even if your legs are singing and you’ve shouted “stopped messing about” to your enthusiastic child in front. Once on the Dales Way link path it’s an easy walk to the 12 Apostles, which are on part of Burley Moor. I’ve apparently done this walk before when I was little, with my parents, but have no recollection. Although I vaguely remember a pub, typical! I also remember from when I was little that there are lots of bogs on the moor that you must be careful of. Thankfully, now this part of the moor has a flagstone path across the boggy areas. Much to the dismay of the kids who thought the big deep bogs sounded quite exciting.

child sat in foliage on moor 12 apostles Ilkley Moor

The path winds its way across the moor, and you can really appreciate the huge expanse of moorland. After a little hill the path flattens out and at the side of the path there they are. The 12 Apostles. These twelve standing stones in a circle are said to be from the Bronze age, although the stones probably aren’t the originals. If you’ve read my blog before you might know I have a thing about standing stones, being a fan of the Outlander books and series! These stones are only little, less than a metre, and there’s no way they could transport you back to the 18th century! Don’t expect any giant monoliths.

Hip2trek crouched down with a standing stone Ilkley moor

From the stones, either retrace your steps stopping to see the Lanshaw Lad boundary stone, giving it a hug like I did, or carry on further along the moor to the pub.

Boundary stone witn views of moorland behind Dick Hudsons pub Blue plaque and Muddy boots welcome signs on side of pub

The Dick Hudson pub lies off Baildon Moor and just as the kids are starting to whinge and doubting that there is even a pub, there is just at the bottom of the footpath. Just be careful crossing the road to get to it, as there’s a bend and junction. The pub has been there on an old packhorse route since 1809 and muddy boots are welcome. Phew! The eldest having announced half way through the walk that he’d outgrown his walking boots, was now suffering a blister. A round of drinks and bribes, I mean crisps, was a welcome sight and we eased aching feet with a little rest. If you’re ever this way for Sunday lunch the restaurant looked to be doing a roaring trade and the pub was packed.

Then it was time to retrace our steps and go back the way came.

Ilkley stone on the moor

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Are there any stone circles near you? Let me know in the comments.

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