Are you in need of walks in the trees? Do you think it’s an ‘Autumn thing’ or with everything going on do people just need to connect with nature? I certainly needed a tree kind of walk this weekend. I would have loved to have gone to a forest, but with the new tier system and not wanting to travel far we stayed local.
You don’t have to travel hours into the countryside to get a breath of fresh air and be amongst the tress though. We went to Bramley Fall Woods, not far from Leeds, for a mini autumn adventure. We used to live in Bramley years ago but have never ventured to these woods. Walking wasn’t really our thing back then! We parked in a small car park and took a path into the woods. It is popular with dog walkers and horses and there’s a path that also leads down to the canal and nearby locks. There were lots of rope swings hanging from the trees that the kids were tempted by. We also came across a den that someone had built. It’s the kind of walk you can make a small or big as you like with several different path options. If you really wanted to you could follow the canal into Leeds City Centre. This time we just stuck to the woodland paths. Without prompting my Daughter asked if she could hug a tree. You go for it girl! Hug that tree. On the edge of the woodland is then fields and parkland that has some outdoor exercise equipment. Also nearby is playing fields that were proving popular for local kids football teams.
It wasn’t the longest of walks but enough for us to get outside, see the autumnal colours on the trees, and lose that feeling of being cooped up.
We used the postcode LS13 1HL where we found a small carpark. If this is full people seem to park at the side of the road. Further towards the playing fields the roadside parking is very busy.
There are no facilities on this walk.
This walk is suitable for all.
Just a little note to say I’ve more write-ups to do for a couple of walks, but I’m settling into my new life as a student at Uni! Bear with me, keep walking, keep sharing and if you go somewhere fab let me know! Hip2trek x